Tuesday, May 10, 2005


Hi everyone

My birthday was a couple of days ago and as I finish celebrating it, I decided to reflect a bit on life. While doing that, I checked up on the news and I found something strangely relevant.

First Human Embryo is Cloned in the United Kingdom
http://www2.eluniversal.com.mx/pls/impreso/noticia_supl.html?id_articulo=21747&tabla=articulos (in Spanish)

Yes, the science of cloning continues to advance, taking large steps. It's worrying that though countries such as the UK and South Korea, Mexico has chosen to remain a country where this new field of science is not explored. I know Mexico isn't exactly a mecca for research but it potentially could be.

What makes of course, this science, controversial is the status of the "embryo" and well, here's my take on that.

It's true that life commences the moment an egg is fertilized by a sperm. But, is that also the same moment where human life begins too? Yes, that first new cell is undoubtedly human but the only real human characteristic it has is the make up of its DNA. The cell doesn't think sense it has no brain, nor does it feel for it has no nerve cells and it can't feel pain for the same reason. It doesn't love sense it has no heart and it doesn't eat nor sleep.

Therefore, what is the problem with using these cells for the good of humans who already live, feel and suffer? "Stem cells" are just that, cells with human DNA but that don't have any other specific function yet. One day, they will become skin or hair cells, maybe even nerve cells.

If the cell can't think or feel... let alone many of the other things us humans do, can it really be considered a human life?


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