Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Finally some honesty, Thanks AI

Today was the publishing day for the Amnisty International report on the state of human rights in the world. And, can you believe it:

United States, Principal Violator of Human Rights: AI (in Spanish)

I had always held this against Amnesty; the fact that they never called the US on their trangressions but now, they've finally done it. Now that the report is out, it is also sad to see that, despite the credibility and lack of bias from this noble organization, the US government categorically denies these accusations. They even called them "ridiculous"! I mean, I think we can all remember Abu Ghraib and we all can infer the things that happen at Guantanamo.

We can only hope that the people of the US - those of them we love because they are intelligent - demand answers from their gouvernment. Demand that they stop acting as if they were the only ones in the world that are "always right" and on the side of "good" and REALLY live up to that standard.

You can read the full report at:


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