Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Liberté, egalité, inconformité

An endless story of how the center is threatened by the borders...


In 1789 July, revolutionary French decided to put stop to the indescribable oppression of the monarchy. The social structures were letting work, and nothing seemed to adjust to the new spirit of equality between the human beings. Then, guillotine was witness of end of those had been unfair beneficiary of privileges based on the ignorance and the power. Prisoners leave La Bastilla in flames, which symbolized end of the repression and the ignominy, and the start of a new era.

Nevertheless, flames of burning cars since October 27th illuminate Paris suburbs, have a scent to burned gas, and not to revolution. Think in urban revolt in France is a particular, exceptional and unique issue, would be a serious mistake: like other times through history, Parisian events seem to be the model to follow, an anticipation of which can happen in all Europe and other cities worldwide.


Urban violence needs several factors to concur; entire generations of unemployed people coexist; children of diverse emigrations came from far away desert, who didn't find the promosed land dreamed by their parents. An universal market stimulates the migratory currents, but although just arrived, make its contribution to the general development remain in the borders, often without equivalent rights. Results? people not required as citizens in the real mean of the term. Segregation is reinforced therefore. It is truth which at least they survive there, thing would probably not happen in its places of origin, but in return they must accept the worse effects of the discrimination and the inequality: structural unemployment, minimum educative level, galloping delinquency, deficient services, generalized urban and environmental deterioration.

Crisis from marginal districts was announced by precise facts in that labyrinth where they came next xenophobia, established as ideology of population main sectors; always arranged to think of all its evils is in the others, black, poor, Arab, and the religious fundamentalism as default; "unadapted" people with rejection to share the lay State who prefers, in spite of everything, maintain them isolated in they own juice.

What we've seen is a social explosion, mainly youthful; with rage against nothing and everything, with no more end that be consumed in its own flames...


Most comfortable reason to the French political leaders and their western allies to explain the facts?

Rebels without reasons, opposed to a system wich offers options to be efficient, and of which they won't or not known to remove benefit. Youths without an empoloyee, 'cause they do not approach opportunities of the market. They're disagree with educative programs but they study little, or simply not. They unable to motivate by itself. They apostatize of virtues and scientist-technical fruits from progress and advances. They forgot how to read their codes, therefore feel in a nonplace, outside site. Suffering a nonexistent oppression. Still excluding by themselves.

That stews the arguments to explain the revolt are constructed to safeguard principles of progressive or preservative explanation which have allowed during last the 30 years. The project of a new social liberalism in their Social-Democratic slope.

This rebellion is a symptom of decomposition and atomizaton of a political order whose social cohesion is expressed in the logic of the responsible consumer like shared citizenship. Even in Europe is impossible to recompose the space of the policy and politicians within the market point of view. Dissolution of the subject —person, in this case— only leaves an alternative to the establishment: to repress, to deny, and an diplomatic international media tour with cleaning image purpuoses.

To save the market, its consumers, and private property, as opposed to the barbarism of youthful delinquency and the marginality of the self excludded ones who won't to participate in profits from world of responsible and "civilized" consumers...

La Bastilla burns in every flammed car. But global market has too many heads, and there are not enough guillotines. That's why it will seem like simple vandalism and misadjustment. Owners of carbonized cars, surely aren't guilty. But who says only main goverments in world can fight abstract enemies, like terrorism or the drug traffic?

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